Telehealth appointments are billed the same way as regular appointments in clinic, please click HERE for more information on our fees.
Anyone can book a telehealth appointment but there are some Medicare restrictions as to who is eligible for a Medicare rebate for a telehealth consult.
To receive a rebate for a telehealth consult you need to have attended an in-person consult, for yourself, at the practice, within the last 12 months.
There are a few exceptions to this rule though, a patient is exempt from the above rule if:
From 22 February 2022, in response to catastrophic flooding, patients living in affected regions that have been identified by States and Territories will have unrestricted access to GP telehealth services.
This will help patients maintain access to regular care if services from their usual practice are not possible. As of 11 April 2022, this definition was broadened, changing the specification of flood to
‘natural disaster’.
Phone Appointments
If you have a phone consultation booked in, your GP will give you a call as close to your booked appointment time as possible. The call may come from a private number, please ensure you don’t have any incoming call restrictions that will prevent a call from an unknown or private number from coming through.
Video Appointments
After you have booked in with your GP for a video consult you will receive an email from HotDoc with a link and instructions to start your video consult. Just before your appointment time, click the link to start your video consult and this will let your GP know that you are ready and waiting for them to join the video consult.
Click HERE to book an appointment or call us on 02 4258 4242 for more information.
We value all patients and endeavour to get you into your GP when you need, but to do this we need your help! We ask that if you cannot make your scheduled appointment, you contact us as early as possible, to allow other patients in need the opportunity to have your appointment time.
Failure to give at least 2 hours’ notice will incur a cancellation fee.
If you are booked in for a longer appt and are unable to attend, please provide at least 24hours notice.
Both staff and patients thank you for your consideration.
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